Turning the Page: A Case Study of Web Accessibility for Illiterate Audiences in West Alabama


The Literacy Council of West Alabama is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to increase literacy throughout its nine-county service area. The organization focuses on educational resources and programming to accomplish this goal, most of which are featured and promoted on the organization’s website. However, as it currently stands, the organization’s site is not adequately geared toward the illiterate population that serves as its main target audience. Through an in-depth case study of LCWA’s website, including a site map breakdown and comprehensive heuristic evaluation, this research offers potential solutions of how to better optimize websites for both fully literate and functionally illiterate web populations, including prototypes of desktop and mobile site revisions.


Justin Walters
Instructor of Digital Communications, Department of Communications, The University of West Alabama, Alabama, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social Realities


Illiteracy, Web Design, UX Design, Visual Communication, Digital Communication