Viral Digital Skills Development for Interdisciplinary Competence of Foreign Languages Students


The COVID-19 pandemic induced amplified digitalization measures in the higher education sphere, informed by the need to take quick comprehensive action in order to achieve the overarching result to transform educational scenarios into interdisciplinary digital, remote, and hybrid frameworks. The consequent functional tasks to meet this challenge are estimated as 1) to activate comprehensive complex skillsets, otherwise latent or underutilized in the educational process; 2) to boost ICT competence and digital literacy of all participants of the educational process, relocated to the computer realm. The study objective is to diagnose and critically review the empirical case of digital skills viral development and application to construe interdisciplinary competencies of students of European and Asian Languages major programs in Ukraine, employed in the year 2020 due to quarantine measures. The study premise is the identification of various competency principles, derivative of twenty-first-century skills for university staff members, and projected digital literacy requirements. The survey method and diagnostic analysis of different digital literacy components, ICT tools, and digital skills implementation are used to assess the parameters of efficiency of transforming real-life linguistic education practices into the digital and hybrid format. The investigation seeks to identify the correlation between various groups of applied digital skills and soft skills, instrumental to develop interdisciplinary professional awareness of Liberal Arts students. The study allows detection of challenges for actual and underdeveloped skills (hard, technical, and soft), that participants of the educational process encountered through digital format adaptation in programs of European and Asian Languages.


Rusudan Makhachashvili
Head of Department, Department of Romance Languages and Typology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine

Ivan Semenist
Head of Department, Department of Oriental Languages and Translation, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyïv, Ukraine


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Digitalization, Viral Digital Skills, Digital Learning, Interdisciplinary Competence