Instant Messaging-based Learning Management Systems: Use of Special Systems in Primary and Secondary Schools


In today’s New Normal, all kinds of educational institutions are running online. Students are learning through live classes held on Zoom, Google Meet, etc. or recorded video classes. However, just attending classes and reading books does not cause efficient learning. Another key pillar in learning is homework, exams, and teacher’s personal feedback to every child on his performance. Although there are LMS like Google classrooms that resolve some of the above issues but for good experience they require laptop/ tablet, good internet connectivity on both teachers’ and students’ end. And above all, school students would need their parents’ help to use such LMS but not every parent has enough knowledge/ time to guide them. We are providing a one stop solution to all these problems. A mobile friendly LMS that uses a messaging application like Telegram at students’ end and an easy to use mobile based web application at teachers’ end. Our LMS targets primary and secondary schools. Students attending them are quite young and generally do not have access to laptops and even teachers are not too tech savvy. Our LMS aims to remove barrier in the path of learning and teaching.


Anchit Singh
Student, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges