It's not All Zoom and Gloom: Pre-service Teachers' Reflections on Learning How to Teach Online


COVID 19 represented a challenge for many educators, with teachers needing to pivot rapidly to using online learning tools. This was particularly relevant for teachers completing their initial teacher education (ITE), whose programmes of study did not include online teaching components. In response, the author developed a module titled ‘teaching in online and blended learning environments’ for post-primary teachers currently completing their ITE. This paper examines the key areas impacting the delivery of online and blended learning, including: online learning theories and approaches; and the technologies needed. Next the author explains the module, outlining the tools, strategies and activities provided, including online micro-teaching components, which formed a major part of students’ learning. Following the module, students completed reflections on their experiences using digital tools to teach, the learning achieved, potential impact on practice, and remaining challenges. Findings from these reflections show that students engaged fully with the module, with a sense of relief and gratitude that support was provided in a time of need. Many students were surprised by how quickly they adapted to delivering content online, feeling that the module gave them the push they needed to engage with online teaching. While challenges remain, for example (online) classroom management, students felt more prepared for online teaching. They noted that being introduced to the tools available for online and blended learning, held value not only during the COVID 19 crisis, but also as tools for their future teaching practice.


Peter Tiernan
Lecturer, School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Digital Learning, Online Learning, Blended Learning