Psyching Runners Up - the Chicago Psyching Team’s Response to Pandemic-era Online Marathons: Understanding Community Partnerships to Address Population-specialized Needs


The Chicago Psyching Team share their strategies for successfully launching public education lessons into the homes of over 26,000 runners worldwide during the first ever Bank of America Chicago Marathon Virtual Experience. In May 2020, the United Nations recognized the contributions of sport to empower women, young people, individuals, and communities. Given the impact of COVID-19 on runners, 2020 was the time to launch a Psyching Team in Chicago to bolster the spirit and motivation of runners worldwide. Historically, the Chicago Marathon has offered runners physical training tips and marathon training schedules but the event has not incorporated mental skills training or mental health education into its communications or event infrastructure. The Chicago Psyching Team worked closely with event organizers to provide digital resources to runners, including a pre-recorded skills video, a live online panel discussion, social media live videos, and a free workbook. The innovation of the online experience allowed more inclusive participation in one of the world’s most prestigious running events and allowed the Chicago Psyching Team to honor APA’s 1969 President George A. Miller’s value of “giving away” brief mental wellness interventions through public education (Hays & Katchen, 2006; Meijen et al., 2017). The pandemic resulted in countless disappointments, tragedies, and deaths, yet a silver lining of embracing technology during this time allowed the Chicago Psyching Team to deliver messages of mental wellness and hope to new and seasoned runners with the aim of educating people about the benefits of a sense of community mental health.


Michele Kerulis
Associate Professor, Counseling, The Family Institute at Northwestern University, Illinois, United States

Bridget Montgomery
Student, Counseling (MA degree Spring 2022), Northwestern University , United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Mental Health, Wellness, Community Programming, Innovation, Pandemic Response