Water and Conflict: Access to Technology


This paper examines what factors have facilitated an inter-state conflicts relating water shortage, as well as a management of international rivers. Although water shortage is a great potential of regional conflicts in the twenty-first century, very few studies are found on this topic. Although water is recyclable resources, not all people or states can access this technology. Inter-states conflicts are resolved in some cases, such as Colorado River between the USA and Mexico, but not for others, such as the Nile between Egypt and Sudan as well as the Indus between India and Pakistan. This paper examines the factors which have facilitated or hinder to resolve water disputes. These factors include diplomatic relations and poverty of communities near rivers.


Megumi Nishimura
Professor, Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Water Shortage, Conflicts, International River