Online Learning for Newcomers During the COVID-19 Crisis: LearnIT2teach Teacher Training and Learner Courseware


“We get only about 25 percent or less of what we use in our jobs through formal learning. […] The other 75 percent of learning happens as we creatively adopt and adapt to ever changing circumstances.” (Grebow, 2002, para. 14-15). How teachers’ creative adoption and adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped immigrant language learning is at the heart of the findings presented in this session. With the support of the LearnIT2teach project, English Second Language (ESL) teachers enabled the rapid responses of many Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) programs to site closures, resulting in an unprecedented uptake of Online Learning (OL) in a matter of weeks. The project rapidly changed course to support teachers to adopt Blended Learning (BL) courseware and adapt teaching practices to the new OL reality. This session discusses the just-in-time teacher training and its impacts on programs based on the professional development evaluation model by Guskey (2000). The validity of pre-pandemic BL research reported on in the Migration and Language Education Journal, Volume 1(1), pp. 31-48, is also reflected upon in the context of the rapid transition to remote instruction. This session also answers the call by Burde, Lahmann, and Thompson for more Education in Emergencies (EiE) research that addresses the “continued absence of research on education and disaster risk reduction” (2019, p. 82) and extends it to include adult education, specifically immigrant settlement and language learning. Recommendations to increase the capacity of programs to respond to future crises conclude the session.


Matthias Sturm
Lead Evaluator and Researcher, New Language Solutions, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Language Learning, Teacher Training, Blended Learning, Online Learning, Immigrant Settlement