Bangladesh Poor Lack of Information Technology: The Shortfall of Knowledge in Society


In Bangladesh the poor lack of access to information, facing problems in different ways. If the poor people do not know where employment opportunities are available, they cannot get employment. A poor farmer needs to know about input and output markets to buy inputs and sell outputs. If a farmer does not know where he will gel the appropriate price for his products, he will not get the right price. If he does not know which seeds will be better for his land, he will not get the desired yield. If the poor people do not have the information about health related issues and different diseases they will suffer from ill health. This study explores how the poor people are getting information from the different media through NGO’s and how they are helping them in their efforts to alleviate poverty. NGO’s are becoming a model for other entrepreneurs and because of their reliability for the provision of services in rural areas through advanced ICT tools and channels. This study finds that when people visit and access information through the institution get benefit from them which is reflected in the improvement in their economic status. People do not get economic benefits directly from the organization but after using information from them can improve their livelihoods. NGO’s could have added some more services like, easily searchable local language and mobile intermediary with other ancillary services they would be more helpful for rural poverty alleviation.


Haragobinda Baidya
Executive Director, NGO, Minority Self Empowerment Foundation, Dhaka zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Considering Viral Technologies: Pandemic-Driven Opportunities and Challenges


Information appropriate entrepreneurs channels livelihoods