Quantity beats Quality 100-0


Early in my career as a software testing professionals I was angry and frustrated. I knew how testing was supposed to be done, but managers would trample every seedling of an idea me or the team would present. Testing was just like working on an industrial assembly line for us. The problem wasn’t that our managers were stupid. They were really smart, but we as testers lacked the crucial skills to present our ideas in an actionable way to clients, colleagues and bosses. In this talk I share the three most important principles that I hope someone had shared with me when I started the journey into testing. These three controversial ideas have emerged from my experience in meeting with over 2200 people in one-to-one discussions about how to level-up quality and testing. The principles that I share in this talk are: 1. Quantity Beats Quality 100-0 2. Emotion Beats Intellect 100-0 3. Speed Beats Planning 100-0 How does the talk support the theme of Conference? Testing in the Wild is an awesome theme! I see software development as a tribe. The role of a testing professional is to improve things through other members of their tribe. Therefore I say that testing is a soft skill above all else.  


Antti Niittyviita
CEO,Co-Founder, Prove Expertise Oy, Finland, Finland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Knowledge Makers


Testing, Optimization