Contemplation and Negativity Against the Fatigue Society: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Sociological Changes


In December 2019, an unprecedented virus began infecting humanity with terrifying contagion and death rates, and in a short time COVID-19 confined much of humanity to their homes. When it seemed that the world was finally going to stop for a moment, everyone started looking for activities to quarantine: learning a language, programming, doing that long-delayed home repair, etc. Those are just some of the things with the ones that humans intended to avoid boredom. This initial response did not take into account that everyone’s attention was going to be on processing what was happening every day at breakneck speed. This study considers some examples of why few have achieved what they set out to do and why most have been frustrated, anxious, and/or depressed.


Victor Alejandro Godoy Lopez
Research Professor, International Relations, Universidad Militar, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Realities


Pandemic Society Fatigue Changes Challenges