Talking Circles II / Mesas redondas II

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A second Talking Circle is held at the end of the second day for the original group to reconvene and discuss changes in their perspectives and understandings as a result of the conference experience. Delegates self-select into groups based on broad thematic areas and then engage in extended discussion about the issues and concerns they feel are of utmost importance to that segment of the network. Al final del día se procede a una segunda mesa redonda con el grupo original para revisar y discutir los diferentes cambios en las perspectivas y comprensiones, fruto de la experiencia del congreso. Los delegados se autoincluyen en grupos basados en áreas temáticas generales y participan en una detallada conversación sobre los temas y cuestiones que consideran de mayor importancia. Plenary Room - 2019 Special Focus: The Social Impact of AI: Policies and New Governance Models for Social Change Room 1 - Designing Technologies for Human Usability Room 2 - Enabling Technologies in Knowledge Sharing / Thinking Technologies for Society Room 3 - Learning Technologies in Education Room 4 - Tema destacado 2019: El impacto social de la Inteligencia Artificial: Políticas y nuevos modelos de gobierno para el cambio social (en español)

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Discussion board not yet opened and is only available to registered participants.