Master Class with Ilona Otto (en directo/en inglés)

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26 February - 10:30AM Central European Time // 3:30AM USA CST

This Master Class allows students to interact with leading scholars in the field. In this Master Class, early career scholars will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from plenary speaker Ilona Otto. 

The class explores the theory of rapid social change and tipping dynamics as well as it presents the research methods that I used to collect the empirical evidence on social tipping elements. I will also discuss the concept of human agency that refers to the ability to shape one’s life, or the collective ability to change the course of social action. The rational choice paradigm that dominated social sciences in the 20th Century, and has heavily influenced the conceptualization of human societies in global human-environmental system modelling in the early 21st Century, suggests a very limited view of human agency. Humans seen as rational agents, coordinated through market forces, have only a very weak influence on the system rules. I discuss alternative concepts of human agency that emphasize its collective and strategic dimensions. I also plan to elaborate on global inequalities and discuss how human agency is distributed within the society. 

**Please Note: For those people unable to attend the live plenary, this will be recorded and uploaded here following the session.

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