Bridging Eco-Crisis - XR’s Role in Green Pre-Apprenticeships for Underserved Learners: Empowering Exceptional BIPOC Youth in Clean Careers through Immersive Learning and Diverse Mentors


This workshop explores the pivotal role of Extended Reality (XR) technology in addressing the urgent challenges posed by the ecological crisis within the context of green pre-apprenticeships for BIPOC exceptional learners. XR offers a transformative platform for immersive learning experiences, uniquely positioned to bridge educational gaps and empower marginalized communities in accessing sustainable career pathways. Through XR-enhanced pre-apprenticeship programs, exceptional underserved learners gain hands-on exposure to green industries such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and environmental conservation. By simulating real-world scenarios and providing interactive training modules, XR facilitates experiential learning that is both engaging and effective, preparing exceptional learners for the demands of the rapidly evolving green economy. This study showcases innovative XR applications and best practices in green pre-apprenticeship training, highlighting successful case studies and collaborative initiatives from diverse regions and communities. Participants will engage in interactive demonstrations, explore XR-enabled curriculum development strategies, and discuss the potential of XR to promote equity and inclusivity in workforce development. Key topics include XR simulation techniques, project based learning, curriculum integration, mentorship models, and evaluation frameworks tailored to the needs of exceptional underserved learners. By bridging the eco-crisis through XR-driven education, this research aims to inspire collective action towards a more sustainable and equitable future.


Dr. Paul A. Curtis
Cultural Empowerment Optimizer (CEO), Equity and Veterans Education, PC Education Consulting , Florida, United States

Rohana J. Swihart
Student, Ph.D. Sustainability Education, Prescott College, Washington, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education, Assessment and Policy


Exceptional Learners, Underserved Learners, Immersive Learning, Green Workforce Development, Energy