The Transversalization of Sustainable Development at the Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana – UNICA through the “ÚNICA al Servicio de los ODS” (“UNICA at the Service of the SDGs”) Program: Learnings, Priorities and Solutions


This paper systematizes the experience of the transversalization of the sustainable development approach at the Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana – ÚNICA, a Higher Education Institution in Bogotá-Colombia which aims to the training of bilingual teachers whose higher purpose is the transformation of society through education. This transversalization takes place by means of the “ÚNICA al servicio de los ODS” (“UNICA at the service of the SDGs”) program, which was created in 2022 and has five components which correspond to the strategic areas of the institution, namely: (1) training and teaching, (2) institutional policies, (3) research, (4) extension and social impact, and (5) campus management and organization. To carry out this systematization, the UNESCO methodology for the systematization of innovative educational experiences was addressed, which includes three major phases: (1) reconstruction of the experience process, (2) analysis and interpretation, and (3) dissemination. The emphases and priorities given in the different components are highlighted, mainly in the components of institutional policies, training and teaching and research. The above through the adoption of sustainability policy, the UNESCO Sustainability Education Approach and the promotion of teaching initiatives in the subjects, as well as by the colaborative work of ÚNICA with two Mexican universities in the research seedbed in education for sustainability, which promotes sustainability through interdisciplinarity and international cooperation.


Constanza Amezquita Quintana
Director of Graduate Research and Sustainability, Education, Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Sustainable Development for a Dynamic Planet: Lessons, Priorities, and Solutions


Sustainable, Development, Training, Teaching, Policies, Research, Social, Impact