Construction Project Management Sustainability Competencies: Navigating Carbon Tax and Green Retrofitting Barriers from Corporations


Introduced in 2019, South Africa’s carbon tax has imposed escalating financial penalties on corporations exceeding emission limits, costing up to six billion rand annually. This research scrutinises Construction Project Managers’ (CPMs) perceived competencies in green retrofitting against the benchmarks established by the Council for the Built Environment (CBE) and the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP). It develops and validates Cognitive Competency Theory (CCT), which posits that the effectiveness of CPMs in executing sustainable retrofitting practices is markedly influenced by the synergistic relationship between their cognitive perceptions—including self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and personal agency—and their professional competencies, encompassing technical, behavioural, and contextual skills. This research underlines the criticality of bridging the gap between policy and practice to achieve sustainable outcomes in construction projects, especially amidst the pressures of carbon taxation and environmental regulations. Employing qualitative methods, the study engages with thirteen experienced CPMs in green refurbishment, unveiling that while CPMs play a central role in mediating carbon tax demands and championing sustainable development, they frequently lack comprehensive understanding of their role in environmental protection and adherence to carbon tax regulations. The conclusion posits that although CPMs are vital in navigating the complexities of green retrofitting, it is imperative to further explore the evolving role of CPMs in relation to regulatory pressures and industry standards. The CBE underscores the necessity for CPMs to possess competencies across various project development stages, yet the industry has not yet standardised sustainability competencies as a mandatory requirement for CPMs in SA.


Malcolm Roy Weaich
Lecturer, School of Construction Economics and Management, University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Realities


Carbon Tax, Cognitive Competency Theory, Construction Project Management, Green Retrofitting