It Starts with a Vision: Real World Solutions Toward Climate Resilience through Art and Design Practice


In order to innovate for a more resilient and thriving future for people and the planet, there needs to be a future worth building towards. Artists and designers have been incredibly important in creating stories and examples of potential worlds that both warn and inspire. If many technological innovations are tracked back to inspiration, many of them originate in a story or film or object that articulated the possibility for the impossible to become reality. Today, there are very concrete design issues that need resolving that can help mediate climate disasters and social challenges. There is also a growing need for visions of hope, inspiration and the stuff of dreams to help propel humanity and the environment into a future of thriving. This workshop presentation will link existing cultural context and media with innovations toward sustainability goals as well as incorporate design principles to guide participants through their own world-building journey and visualization of a thriving future.


Olivia A Carye Hallstein
Student, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning , Tufts University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Participatory Process


Design, Innovation, Inspiration, Applications, Mediation, Hope, Visions, Thriving, Art, Participatory