Map Out, Raise Awareness, and Preserve: The Case Study of Mindelo, Cabo Verde


In 2012, the city of Mindelo was elevated to National Heritage of Cape Verde. After 12 years, many relevant elements have been lost, largely due to global economic movements, such as real estate speculation and gentrification. The giia interdisciplinary research group in architecture, from the Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde in Mindelo, created a project aligned with the 2030 Agenda with special attention to SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities. We have been mapping the buildings of the historic city, with the aim of collecting in a publication a graphic survey of the relevant elements of Mindelo´s architecture, which still resist the time. We know, however, that these are processes that take time and, ultimately, their accessibility may be limited to a more specialized and/or academic audience. It is in this sense that we suggest creating an app, that puts the digital economy at the service of local heritage and identity, so often accused of, together with tourism, mischaracterizing historic centers on a global scale. Through the app we want to allow more immediate and widespread access to information to those who travel and live in the city. We want the inhabitants themselves to be able to see their heritage valued, not just through the commercial value of the land, but to raise awareness so that we can all better intervene and take care of the city.


Ines Alves
Pró-reitora, Arquitetura, Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, Cape Verde Islands


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Heritage, Identity, Postcolonial, Decolonization, Gentrification