Sustainability Cards, Certification, Information Technology Services, Digital Platforms Framework: How to Encourage Green Consumption and Speed Up Our Process of Transition to a Greener Economy?


Addressing the lack of incentives provided for green consumption, the following SCID system enables the same. Sustainability Cards: The Sustainability Cards are a new set of cards that shall be issued to all bank account holders and will be used to foster the role of green points in the country. Green Points mainly refer to certain credit points that shall be added to one’s account as a result of purchasing green products not limited to purchase but can also include small contributions such as taking public transport. Further, it also introduces black points which are deducted from one’s account on the purchase of something considered as environmentally hazardous. This system can be established and can also be classified into different degrees or levels of green purchase with each associated amount of green points that can range from a cloth bag to an electric vehicle. Certification: The previous suggestion would only work if there is an implied list of some green and red products that the government can certify based on private sector manufacturing processes and usage implications. Information Technology Services: Based on purchases from the green and red lists and total points accumulated among all users the government shall be able to make much specified estimates about a greener economy transition through these incentives and verify the results. Digital Platform: A common points accumulation app where users can view their scores and make use of the green points accumulated along with various other rewards results in a transparent digital mechanism


Sudipta Kashyap
Student, Masters in Economics, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Karnataka, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Pathways to Sustainability Innovation: Perspectives from Civil Society, Government and Business


Sustainability Cards, Green Points, Green Certification, Digitalization