Is Sustainable Development Important for the European Media?: An Approach to the Amount of Content and Study of Related Topics


In 2015, the United Nations promulgated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, an action plan with the aim of improving the lives of people and the planet itself by 2030, with the full support of the 193 member states that make up the international organisation. This research analyses the coverage given by the main media in the five most populated countries on the European continent, in a context in which numerous studies and surveys highlight that awareness of this issue is quite low. The methodology consists of using a digital newspaper library in order to quantify the amount of content disseminated since 2015 on this issue, in order to then carry out a statistical analysis of the topics most frequently cited in these news items.


Alberto E. Lopez-Carrion
Researcher, Communication Sciences, University of València, Valencia, Spain