Profiling Circular Economy Practices of Catholic Non-Profit Organisations in Portugal


The concept of a circular economy (CE) has gained prominence as a partial solution to pressing environmental issues. This paper emphasises the role played by the third sector in advancing circular practices, particularly within Catholic Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs). With over 1.3 billion believers globally, the Catholic church exerts a multifaceted influence across various societal dimensions and environmental sustainability. Taking the context of Portuguese Catholic NPOs to examine the adoption of CE practices, we conducted semi-structured interviews between May 22nd and September 20th, 2023. These interviews included in-person and online with top managers and technical teams across parish centres, Mercy Houses, and generic Catholic organisations nationwide. These aimed to gain insights into the challenges, opportunities, and perspectives of Catholic organisations in embracing CE practices. The study examined the relative importance of the Church and influences from wider society on the NPOs in CE initiatives. Results revealed varying degrees of CE. While the majority expressed interest in transitioning to CE practices, their motivations included cost reduction, religious values, and ecological responsibility. Common circular practices included recycling, exchange, reduction, reuse, repair and waste management. However, most organisations lacked dedicated CE personnel and did not monitor, assess or report the outcomes of their initiatives. Barriers to CE adoption were identified, such as financial constraints, manpower and time limitations. The lack of support from the Catholic Church and Portuguese Government delayed progress in this area. Several organisations were unaware of the Laudato Si’ Encyclical. Challenges exist, these social organisations demonstrate a commitment to integrating CE practices.


Susana Cunha Trindade
Student, PhD, NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, Portugal

Pauline Deutz
University of Hull

Tomás B. Ramos
Professor of Sustainability Assessment and Planning, Department of Environmental Sciences and Egineering, NOVA University Lisbon, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Realities