Green Impact Funds for Transformation: Stakeholder Perspectives on Competitive Results-based Subsidies for Climate Finance


A considerable disparity exists between global greenhouse gas emissions and the allocation of climate finance resources. While industrialized nations have steadily reduced their share of global greenhouse gas emissions, now constituting a mere 28%, emissions from the Global South continue to rise, poised to surpass those of industrialized nations in the near future. Nevertheless, climate project financing remains predominantly confined to the Global North. This disjuncture prompts an essential inquiry: What policy measures should be employed to effectively finance greenhouse gas reduction initiatives in the Global South, thereby bridging the substantial funding gap? To comprehensively evaluate the policy framework underpinning innovative propositions like the “Green Impact Funds for Transformation,” which advocate for financing through results-based subsidies, a robust discourse with stakeholders from the Global South is imperative. Their voices, frequently underrepresented, must be heard. To achieve this objective, we consider semi-structured interviews with esteemed experts hailing from Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana, to gather their insights on the essential needs for fostering environmentally sustainable economic development within their respective regions.


Magdalene Silberberger
Professor Development Economics, Faculty of Management, Economics and Society, Witten/Herdecke University, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Pathways to Sustainability Innovation: Perspectives from Civil Society, Government and Business


Climate finance, Results-based subsidies, Green Impact Funds, Transformation, Africa