Towards a Carbon-neutral Future: Focus on Busan Metropolitan City


In recent times, the world has witnessed unprecedented heatwaves and heavy rainfall, a stark reminder of the global consequences of escalating carbon emissions. The urgency to curtail these emissions is evident, as continued inaction will only exacerbate the frequency and intensity of climate crises. Nations worldwide have acknowledged the gravity of this issue, with many actively pursuing carbon neutrality policies to mitigate emissions. South Korea is no exception. South Korea has passed the Basic Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, providing a legal and institutional framework to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This legislation sets clear national greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2030, prompting local governments and related ministries to formulate action plans.This study delves into Busan Metropolitan City’s unique urban, societal, and environmental characteristics, offering a historical perspective on South Korea’s carbon neutrality policies. Subsequently, we explore the alignment of these characteristics with Busan City’s 2050 carbon neutrality action plan. In particular, the key in this study is to show the opinions of citizens and government officials in the process of establishing an action plan for carbon neutrality in Busan, the process of policy making, and the characteristics of Korea and Busan. Through this, we explain the direction of Korea’s carbon neutrality and explore the path toward a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future.


Ha Dong Oh
Student, PH.D, Pusan National University, South Korea

Dalbyul Lee
Dong-eui University

Sangwon Oh
Pusan National University

Juchul Jung
Pusan National University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Carbon Neutrality, Urban Characteristics, Action Plan