The Great Lakes Compact: Sustainable Exceptions in the Time of Climate Change


The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Basin Resources Compact is a ratified agreement between eight US Great Lakes states and two Canadian provinces to regulate diversion of water from the Great Lakes basin. Exceptions for diversions of water from the Watershed may apply to 1) a community that is located partially in the Great Lakes basin or 2) a community that is located within a county that is partially in the basin. The first test case was Waukesha, Wisconsin which met the second location requirement. Waukesha completed an application according to standards of the Compact in 2016. Although the eight Great Lakes states approved Waukesha’s diversion request in 2016, Waukesha only began supplying Great Lakes water to residents in October 2023. This paper explores select hypothetical scenarios to test the feasibility of exceptions due to sustainability issues regarding water management and climate change.


Kathryn Rowberg
Associate Professor, Chemistry, Purdue University Northwest, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Realities


Sustainability, Water Management, Climate Change