Strategies for Achieving Reduced Environmental Impact in Construction Sites: An Overview of Existing Environmental Certifications in Brazil and Its Optimal Solutions


This research is based on a comprehensive investigation into the LEED, AQUA-HQE, and Casa Azul + CAIXA certifications, with the objective of delineating strategies for mitigating environmental impact in the construction phase of building life cycles in Brazil and globally. Three methodological approaches were employed to achieve this objective: a thorough literature review, encompassing the retrieval of articles, theses, and institutional publications related to “environmental impacts in the construction industry” using the Google Scholar search tool; the critical analysis and presentation of data specific to each of the three environmental certifications; and the formulation of strategies derived from the documents pertaining to each certification, insights gained during the literature review, and the author’s firsthand experience in on-site construction. Anticipated outcomes encompass a critical analysis and substantiation of the three certifications, coupled with recommendations for the reduction of environmental impacts associated with new constructions, with a pronounced emphasis on the construction phase.


Renata Oliveira
Student, Architecture and Urbanism, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Pathways to Sustainability Innovation: Perspectives from Civil Society, Government and Business


Environmental Impact, Civil Construction, Environmental Certifications, LEED, AQUA-HQE