Motivations for Sustainability Pioneers: A Look at Historical Correlations that Lead to Pro-Environmental Behavior


This paper looks at how factors such as access to “wild” places, camping, and engagement in outdoor sports as a youth affect the likelihood of engaging in pro-environmental behaviors as an adult. Using survey results that analyze how experiences in youth correlate to careers in sustainability or towards more sustainability focused lifestyles, this research looks to understand how this information could be used to motive more people to become sustainability pioneers.


Adrah Niccolo Parafiniuk
Visiting Instructor/Ph.D Student, Politics and International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Arizona, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Pathways to Sustainability Innovation: Perspectives from Civil Society, Government and Business


Sustainability Motivations, Pro-Environmental Behavior, Sustainability Pioneers, Fomenting Change, Outdoor Education