The Cultural Sustainability and Sustained Political Imperfections in Lin Yutang’s Novels


Lin Yutang (1895-1976) wrote eight novels in English, whose historical background is from the end of Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the 21st century. Lin’s purpose of writing the first novel, Moment in Peking, is to invite the readers to watch the Chinese scenery and culture. He also wrote the influence of the West in China in this novel. Then he narrated Chinese immigrants’ life in New York City in Chinatown Family. He described the indigenous people and European immigrants living peacefully on a Pacific island in Looking Beyond. Lin’s motives for creation is from introducing various culture and philosophy to achieving world peace. This paper discusses the three common topics of his novels. First, religion and philosophy. As a Chinese pastor’s son, Lin once declared that he was a pagan, explored Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, and finally went back to the church. Second, cultural communication. Lin not only introduced Chinese tradition and customs to Western readers but also depicted the influence of Western medical treatment and education on the Chinese. Third, international relations and an ideal world. The two world wars made Lin notice that there was not a perfect regime. He explained how difficult it is to make world peace come true by the characters in the novels. Actually, he wrote essays to express his own opinion directly, while he presented the diverse views of people of different ages, races, and genders in the novels.


Hsiaohui Chang
Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context