Assessing the Compatibility of the AI Act with Green AI and the EU's Environmental Agenda


Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents equally enormous possibilities and serious ethical concerns, prompting the need for regulatory frameworks. While debates center on AI’s problems, there is a growing focus on using AI for sustainable functions and ensuring its development is sustainable. The EU’s proposed AI Act aims to address ethical considerations and promote trustworthy AI. However, there is a need to align AI development with sustainability goals. This paper explores the relationship between sustainability and the EU’s AI Act. It examines trustworthy AI principles, sustainable AI, the EU’s Green Deal, and the potential environmental impact of AI. The conclusion highlights the significance of addressing sustainability throughout AI’s lifecycle, emphasizing the importance of promoting sustainable and trustworthy AI to ensure societal and environmental well-being.


Aline Cabral Costa Andrade
Student, Master's Candidate, Tallinn University of Technology, Harjumaa, Estonia

Maria Claudia Solarte Vásquez

Pablo Martínez Ramil
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Law, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education, Assessment and Policy


Environment, Sustainability, AI Act, Green Transition