Emerging Leaders for Sustainability: Incorporating the Inner Development Goals Framework into a Short-term Sustainability Immersion Program


This study focuses on a short-term sustainability immersion program for traditional college-aged students that takes place at an eco-retreat in New Brunswick, Canada. The goal of this program is to provide nature-based adventure programming opportunities that guide how to effectively cultivate a caring, resilient community of people who make a positive impact on each other and the environment. The program details, framework, and research data from a recent program assessment pilot study are shared. This sustainability immersion program is delivered through 1) nature-based adventure programming that provides the setting in which the magic of deep connection can occur and 2) community engagement to cultivate community building and to expand students’ worldviews. The student outcome component is aligned with the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) that were founded in 2020 (IDGs, 2023). The IDGs were created to synthesize “a complex inner development into a framework that helps to name, understand, and communicate the change that is needed” to successfully meet the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (IDGs, 2023, p. 1). Programs for young adults are needed that stretch them beyond their comfort zone to grow and develop in ways that will help them build the skill sets needed to successfully address global challenges. We show how this short-term sustainability immersion program has incorporated the IDGs to help equip these emerging leaders with developing a mindset, their inner resources, to accompany their skill set to successfully tackle the sustainability challenges our global community currently faces.


Alicia H. Sprow
Faculty, Leadership, Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, United States

Spencer S Stober
Professor, Sciences; Business, Communication, and Leadership, Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Immersion Program, Nature-Based, College Students, Inner Development Goals, Sustainability