Addressing Workplace Incivility in Business Schools


This interactive workshop focuses on workplace incivility within business schools in the post-pandemic society. Drawing on an empirical study conducted across four research-intensive universities in Canada, this session aims to enhance awareness of incivility’s detrimental effects and provide effective strategies for its management. Participants will be encouraged to explore the causes and impact of incivility in their own institutions and to develop strategies to mitigate these behaviours.The workshop aims to empower academic leaders to address workplace incivility, an important concern in today’s business schools. The study revealed that incivility emanates from faculty, students, and staff, with academic leaders both as targets and, occasionally, unwitting perpetrators. The results of the study highlight that organizational culture practices and personality traits often found in academia can create conditions for incivility to thrive. Additionally, individuals who hold implicit biases may selectively expose minorities and women to uncivil actions. The session will draw on the study and the presenter’s experience to help participants develop personalized plans to reduce the prevalence of incivility in their units. Impact on higher education leadership: 1. Builds on innovative approaches to support academic leadership development. 2. Supports adaptation in the face of changing societal expectations. 3. Promotes ethical educational environments. The workshop will include opportunities for participants to use their local institutional context to collaboratively explore strategies in small group discussions and develop a list of best practices.


Leda Stawnychko
Assistant Professor, Strategy and Organizational Theory, Bissett School of Business, Mount Royal University, Canada


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education, Assessment and Policy


Incivility, Post-secondary Leadership, Business Schools, Ethical Leadership, Leadership Networks