Socioenvironmental Perceptions of Livestock Farmers near Cuixmala-Chamela Biosphere Reserve


This project focuses on studying the socioenvironmental perceptions of livestock farming families regarding conservation processes and their relationship with livestock farming in the vicinity of Cuixmala-Chamela Biosphere Reserve. The study area is characterized by highly threatened tropical dry forests, primarily concentrated along Mexico’s Pacific coast. Through the use of semi-structured interviews and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, this research explores farmers’ perceptions, considering socioeconomics variables, and understand the factors that best explain these perceptions. The project also utilizes Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping in a workshop setting, enabling the exploration of conservation scenarios collaboratively with the livestock farming community. The objective is to analyze perceptions and identify key elements in the interaction between livestock practices and the conservation of tropical dry forests. By integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study sheds light on the socioecological dynamics underlying farmers’ perspectives, providing insights into the complexities of their decision-making processes.


Gerardo Dávila Hernández
Student, Biologist, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Ecological Realities


Socioenvironmental Perceptions, Fuzzy Cognitive Models, Tropical Dry Forest, Livestock Farming