The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact on Quality of Life in Aggeneys, Pella and Pofadder Mining Host Communities


Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is currently used as a tool across the world for the purpose of good corporate governance practices and corporations are investing in this paradigm its in early stages in Southern Africa and many developing countries Major companies and corporations have engaged in the notion of sustainable development focusing on corporate social responsibility (CSR) to solve both social and environmental issues. The study addresses the social systems theory and the resilience theory. This study pursued the mixed method approach, including using both qualitative and quantitative data. Data shows that there are systems that are currently in place which are aimed at bettering and improving lives of societies in mining host communities but there is a gap in the implementation of these systems and ultimately it impacts their quality of life. Tighter legislature and system implementation will see a rise in the quality of life of communities in mining host communities.


Violet Tshifularo
Student, Doctor of philosophy Urban and Regional planning, University of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context

