Bringing Elementary and High School Students as Central Part in the Discussion and Actions of the Environmental Crisis and Global Emergencies


The level of degradation and destruction of natural ecosystems has reached a planetary level and urgent actions and changes are needed jointly by different countries, preventing the destruction of nature from reaching a “Point-of-No-Return”, putting human existence and other forms of life at risk. We believe that the main solution for these problems is education, including children and young people, not only as spectators, but as a central part of this discussion and actions about current processes promoting global sustainability and environmental crisis. These students, as future adults, will be important additional minds part acting to promote needed changes in order to keep health conditions of the planet and its environments for all living forms, including Man. Our project, funded by a state agency (FAPERJ), acts in six structural axes: Lectures by university researchers in the schools on global urgencies of Agenda 2030 and COP-27; immersion by school students in the urgent themes for the elaboration of a didactic manual to support the teaching for use by schools; holding workshops for students on learning and practices on the environment and technologies; experiencing and practices in nature and in the urban environment by students. These structural axes promote an articulation among the Direction, teachers and students of two schools (elementary and high school levels) of Santa Maria Madalena municipality, local Education and Environmental Secretaries, researchers from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) and the local State Park (Desengano); thus involving schools, university, government managers of education and of the environment.


Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha
Professor, Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education, Assessment and Policy