Modeling of Environmental Citizenship Institutional Governance in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Success in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and sustainable development governance depends on the dynamic interplay of governmental, intergovernmental, and non-state actors. For example, environmental citizenship action can provide the resources and the enabling an environment necessary for their effort. This paper models the nature and evolution of environmental citizenship institutional governance (ECIG) as agents of civil society and how they have actively engaged and have played themselves out on the global political scene. Modeling of ECIG as a theoretical model is derived from the ethnographic strategy of qualitative research case study. The theoretical model is based on Bhaskar’s critical realism and the separation of the three cognitive fields of actual, real and empirical, which can be categorized as actual level includes phenomena and events; the real level includes structures and mechanisms and the empirical level includes discovered and experienced events. Data collection and analysis, including primary research data; written sources of environmental values; interview and participatory observation as well as the content of the analyzed cases. ECIG as a comprehensive concept of the final model includes the content variables of socialization system; appointments of the political system; political participation and elections; infrastructures of citizenship; cultural symbolism; democratic political structures; interest group; political parties; institutionalization of public policy and rationality of policy-making. This research has presented 140 features and concepts for the ECIG in the form of three organizing concepts and processes of rational and institutional evaluation; normalization and institutional attitude formation and phenomenological critical action.


Ali Chitsaz Esfahani
Board Member, Management, University of Isfahan, Esfahan, Iran


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Sustainable Development Governance, Environmental Citizenship, Content Analysis, Bhaskar