Resistance in Design: Design as an Agent for Stimulating Solidarity Economy in the Anthropocene


The paper focuses on demonstrating the possibilities of life. From the standpoint of design, it examines the potentials of this capability (and understanding of its shortcomings) based on the premise that “everyone designs who devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones” (Simon, 1969). Design is thus an inseparable part of participation, which still does not spontaneously provide an answer to the questions of who is participating in where designers can/want to make the preferred changes. Based on the emerging theoretical foundations of the solidarity economy and the commons (Gibson-Graham et al., 2013; Manzini 2015 and 2019), and through design practices of design groups and individuals (Oloop, Avtomatik delovišče, ProstoRož, Trajna Society, Elena Fajt, and the Today is a New Day Institute), the study verifies grassroots initiatives and shows the possibilities of practising solidarity economies. In other words, the text propounds possible ways of creating distance, alternatives to the life of the submissive, and what possibilities are demonstrated by design in the given context.


Barbara Predan
Associate Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Industrial Design and Applied Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Design, Solidarity Economy, Commons, Empowerment, Participation