Thrift and Thriving: The Links between Thrift, Frugality, and Disposability, and How Quality, Emotionally Durable Goods Can Shift the Consumption Paradigm


Research shows that climate change across the globe has been significantly worsened due to overconsumption practices, particularly in the United States and the Western World. This paper focuses on the differences between thrift and frugality mindsets, and how these affect consumption behavior. While thrift is shown to negatively impact purchasing habits, frugality is shown to reduce both spending and consumption. Similarly, materialism is divided into two varieties. The first, based on image, success, and status, correlates with greater consumption, while the second, based on happiness, identity, and emotional attachment, correlates with reduced consumption and longer product life cycles. To shift the public focus from an emphasis on high quantities of disposable goods to the benefits of purchasing quality, emotionally durable goods, storytelling that amplifies the voices of craftspeople over mass-manufacturers is espoused. This paper proposes that this would reduce environmental and social damage caused by the current consumption system.


Marie Miller
Student, M.F.A. in Design for Sustainability, Savannah College of Art and Design, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Amazon Effect, Disposability, Durability, Emotional Durability, Frugality, Materialism, Local Economies