A Franciscan Perspective on Nature-centered Leadership for Environmental Justice


Nature-centered leaders promote dialogue to find common ground among divergent views on how humans should interact with the environment for a sustainable future. The teachings of Saint Francis, and more recently, Pope Francis, are part of that dialogue. Franciscan colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to promote environmental justice with an emphasis on service, humility, peacemaking, contemplation, and collegiality. Mitigating and ameliorating harm to those most vulnerable to climate change is necessary. A model for community engagement is described along with practical steps in the formation of leaders with the courage to seek common ground when exploring difficult questions. Is environmental justice for people or nature? What makes us so doggone special? Does our clever nature and hubris blind us to the possibility that natural systems are more resilient than our social systems? Why is climate change a “Wicked Problem”? Have we acknowledged our predicament? Are we on track for a “Tragedy of the Commons”? Who will pay the price? Where do we go from here? The dialogue around these questions provides a framework for Nature-centered leaders who seek environmental justice and work to transform our relationship with each other to sustain the environment. They advocate with others to promote an aspirational narrative—a hopeful story—one of reconciliation. With time, we, and our many organizations, will restore our relationship with each other and the natural world for a more resilient future.


Spencer S Stober
Professor, Sciences; Business, Communication, and Leadership, Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Multiple Legacies: Heritage, Traditions, Local Ecologies, Knowledge, Values, Protection


Franciscan, Nature-Centered Leadership, Environmental Justice