The Compounding Effects of Agriculture on the Water Quality Crisis in the State of Iowa, USA : A Local and Global Ecological Crisis


Recent research has questioned if Iowa’s streams and rivers are recoverable from pollution damage. Stormwater run-off already poses a serious threat to water quality across the U.S.. Additionally the agricultural industry’s presence in Iowa compounds the issues that other states face. Evidenced by Iowa’s disproportionate contribution to the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia “dead-zone,” as well as the decrepit state of Iowa’s natural waterways, agriculture creates a multi-faceted water quality issue that must be addressed on many fronts. Run-off from row-crop fields and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) into nearby streams and rivers presents a source of pollution that is unique to rural-industrial farming societies and thus must be uniquely confronted. Other toxic pollutants that the agricultural industry presents to the crisis of water quality include antibiotics, growth hormones, forever chemicals, biosolids, herbicides, pesticides, and animal waste. In this paper we analyze the consequences of Iowa’s water pollution as it currently stands, both known and unknown, and weigh inductive possibilities for the future of Iowa’s waters. Seeking solutions to Iowa’s local problems is ecologically synonymous to seeking solutions to national and global problems.


John Pauley
Professor, Philosophy, Simpson College, Iowa, United States

Katie Pantzar
Student, Biochemistry and History, Simpson College, Iowa, United States

Kyle Werner
Student, Multi-media journalism & political science, Simpson College, Iowa, United States

Brody Crouse
Student, Bachelor's, Simpson, Iowa, United States

Dayton Gatewood
Student, Biology and Philosophy, Simpson College, United States

Aswati Subramanian
Student, Assistant Professor, Simpson College, Iowa, United States

Trenity Rosenberg
Student, Philosophy and Spanish, Simpson College, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Industrial Agriculture, Wastewater, Stormwater, Bio-Sludge, Forever Chemicals