Local Solutions to Climate Change and Human Displacement: Can Rural and Smaller Communities Play a Role in Resettling Climate Refugees and Mitigating the Environmental Impacts of Increased Urbanization?


The impacts of global warming and environmental degradation are driving human insecurity across the globe. Rising sea levels, record-breaking temperatures, and extreme droughts and flooding are forcing people to flee their homes in unprecedented numbers. At the same time, rural places, which are vital to fighting climate change through the preservation of biodiversity, protection of natural water sources, and production of food and resources, are struggling with declining populations and poverty across the globe. In this context, this project asks: Can the resettlement of refugees in rural and smaller communities in developed countries (in Canada specifically, but also across Europe and in the United States and Australia) offer localized benefits for refugees and host communities, while also addressing the global climate refugee crises? The purpose of this paper is to discern if rural resettlement can offer an opportunity to: (1) Resettle more refugees in developed countries; (2) Be attentive to and mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization; and, (3) Support rural communities and the people that live there. This project involves a scoping review of the Canadian and international literatures, and focus groups with rural settlement service providers. Our findings suggest that rural resettlement presents positive opportunities for receiving countries, and for rural residents and refugees. Important migration and resettlement initiatives are already happening in rural Canada and beyond, despite being overlooked within the existing literature and policy frameworks. As the climate crisis worsens, understanding the opportunities of rural resettlement will be vital to facilitating successful and additional resettlement options.


Stacey Haugen
Student, PhD, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Environmental Degradation, Climate Refugees, Forced Displacement, Refugee Resettlement, Rural Development