A Buddhist Perspective on Global Warming - Our Irresistible Fate?


An issue of global warming has been debated around the world and it is bringing more attention to the people now. This is perhaps owing to recent natural catastrophes witnessed in different parts of the planet in which the world’s scientists have expressed their concerns about the imminent environmental crisis, believed to be caused by humans upsetting of the natural balance. This paper considers how the core Buddhist teachings reflect on this global issue which is threatening human wellbeing worldwide. There are many points to be considered, some of which have already been considered by scholars. However, in this paper, I elaborate on Buddhist teachings and fatalism. So the question is raised as follows: is global warming our irresistible fate? If so, what is the Buddhist attitude towards this fate? Furthermore, this paper has been divided into four parts. To depict global warming, first, I discuss background information regarding the global warming phenomenon. The second part deals with an analysis of this phenomenon according to the principle of dependent origination, however, other Buddhist tenets mentioned and referenced where it seems relevant. In the central third part, an argument on Buddhism and fatalism is debated. Herein, the teaching of action is analyzed in comparison and contrast with the concept of fatalism. Last but least, from the proceeding discussion, this paper culminates with some Buddhist stances towards the global warming crisis.


Shimo Sraman
Buddhist Monk, Wat Mai Amataros (Buddhist Monastery), Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], Thailand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems