Propensity for Sustainable Environmental Lifestyles among Social Media Users in Nigeria


The search for solutions to local and global environmental problems is ongoing. The opportunities provided by social media in encouraging sustainability is vast. The study assesses the propensity of social media users to adopt sustainable lifestyles in varying scenarios. Google form questionnaires were shared in social media platforms and via emails. Responses were collated, cleaned and analysed descriptively and inferentially. An understanding of social media user’s tendencies for or against sustainable lifestyles will go a long way in influencing content design and choice of media in sustainability campaigns online.


Biyenta Elijah Daniel
Lecturer II, Geography (Social Sciences), Gombe State College of Education, Gombe, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Sustainable lifestyles, Social Media, Climate change, Sustainability