Water for The West and Beyond: How to Naturally Desalinize Trillions of Gallons of Sea Water for Africa and the US


In this session I present my plan for using existing geography and technology to naturally desalinize trillions of gallons of sea water. The plan involves natural depressions in the earth and massive infrastructure investment. If the country’s of the world invest in this project the western united states will have the drinking water it needs forever and some of the driest places in Africa will have for the first time in history have an abundance of clean safe water. From this discussion I hope to ferment a robust discussion with a question and answer period to follow. As a theater professor I understand collaboration and in order for this plan to work I will need a lot of collaborators. This conference is the first step.


Jamison Rhoads
Professor of Media Design, Theater Arts, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Extractions: Food, Water, Energy, Resources, Materials, Reuse, Distribution, Accessibility, Non-Material Extractions


Water, Desalinization, Infrastructure, Aqueduct, Hydro, Electric, Solar, Africa