Ecotoxicity Bioassay for the Detection of Fluoroquinolones from Water Samples: Use of Bacillus licheniformis as a Bioindicator


Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are antibiotics with high thermostability and low biodegradability. In addition, FQS can be present in various aquatic environments such as rivers, lakes and canals from treatments for microbial infections in humans (residential areas, hospitals) and animals (animal farms, aquaculture waters), constituting a risk for aquatic ecosystems. In this work, an ecotoxicity bioassay that uses Bacillus licheniformis as test bacterium is proposed because it presents a colorimetric (dichotomous) response in a short time (7-8 hours) at 45°C. Different concentrations of FQs were analyzed with the bioassay using river and groundwater samples. The dose-response curves were analyzed with the Logistic Regression Model, and the Effective Concentration that produces 50% of the effect (EC50) were low for the eight tested FQs (29 μg/L Ciprofloxacin, 142 μg/L Enrofloxacin, 9.8 μg/L). L Gatifloxacin, 95 μg/L Levofloxacin, 113 μg/L Marbofloxacin, 6.8 μg/L Moxifloxacin, 156 μg/L Norfloxacin, 124 μg/L Ofloxacin). In addition, the risks for 194 FQs found in samples of river water, lakes, canals, municipal waters, hospital waters and aquaculture waters from different countries of the world were calculated, revealing a high risk for residues of ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin. It is concluded that the bioassay is simple, economical, fast and easy to implement, and can be incorporated as a bioindicator organism of FQs contamination in water in order to contribute to the appearance of aquatic ecosystems.


Rafael Althaus
Profesor Titular, Departamento Ciencias Básicas - Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Extractions: Food, Water, Energy, Resources, Materials, Reuse, Distribution, Accessibility, Non-Material Extractions


Water, Fluoroquinolones, Ecotoxicity Bioassay, Bioindicator