Design and Balancing of a Ration for Juvenile Tapirs in Ex Situ Environments in Bioparque los Ocarros


The purpose of this research was the design and balancing of a ration for juvenile tapirs in ex situ environments and the evaluation of consumption in specimens (Tapirus terrestris, Tapirus indicus, Tapirus pinchaque) in the Los Ocarros biopark. Based on the fact that the proper development of an animal is nutrition, this being very important for specimens living in ex situ environments, the diets provided are according to their nutritional requirements, palatability and nutritional programs related to the type of species. A bibliographic review was carried out on the generalities of the species, visualizing that there is not much information on its eating habits and behavior. To balance the ration, the requirements in ex situ and in situ environments were identified, the raw materials were evaluated and a ration according to the species was balanced, implementing essential foods that they consume in their natural environments and compared with the supplementation of equestrian food. Six specimens of the different subspecies were chosen, they were supplemented with three different diets, observing the weight gain with each one of them. An ANOVA was chosen in which the three diets were evaluated over 90 days, divided into weeks, and statistically significant differences were found in diet C, which resulted in the fact that when tapirs were supplemented in ex situ management, their diets should be combined between equestrian food, fruits, vegetables, grasses and traditional food or diet to achieve better weight gains.


Lina Gabriela Soba Roa
Student, Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Meta, Colombia


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems

