Community Attitudes and Aspirations for Sustainable Tourism Development: A Case Study of Bluefields Bay, Jamaica


Tourism plays a major role in socio-economic development for many destinations around the world. Well-planned tourism that takes into consideration environmental, economic, and socio-cultural goals, can be a viable tool for rural development (Daniloska, 2015; Keane, 1992), poverty alleviation (Chok, Macbeth & Warren, 2007; Winters, Corral & Mora, 2013; Zhao & Richie, 2007), cultural preservation (Ekwelem, Okafor & Ukwoma, 2011; Richards, 2001) and natural resource conservation (Boley & Green, 2016; Pienaar, Jarvis & Larson, 2013), among others benefits. Because of its impacts on local communities and native lands, active community participation in tourism development is regarded as an essential component in making sure that benefits are well-distributed, and the gains last for generations (Aref & Redzuan, 2009; Timothy & Tosun, 2003). However, many barriers to community participation and involvement in sustainable tourism development have been identified that include operational, cultural, and structural limitations (Dogra & Gupta, 2012). Lack of community participation has led to the failure of projects, apathy to change, antagonism among tourism stakeholders, and misuse of resources (Tosun, 2000). The current study, employing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, is part of a wider effort to apply basic research toward an understanding of human activities on watershed areas and environmental resources and to support economic sustainable development for the community of Bluefields Bay, Jamaica. The main aim of the study is to investigate how local people associate with tourism, their aspirations for sustainable tourism development, and to help build better stewardship for the region’s rich cultural and natural heritage.


Bernard Kitheka
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Decentering Sustainability: Towards Local Solutions for Global Environmental Problems


Bluefields Bay, Jamaica, Sustainable tourism, Stewardship, Local community, Conservation