How Does Heritage Shape the Future City?: Reflections on Heritage Planning in the West Link Infrastructure Project, Gothenburg


Major urban infrastructure projects in old cities often encounter material historical features during planning or execution, presenting several challenges for local heritage management. Using the case of the West Link project in Gothenburg, Sweden, this research aims to understand how the two goals of heritage conservation and new development may be negotiated in practice. The West Link is a railway line currently under construction in Gothenburg. It burrows through the city’s seventeenth century fortifications, ancient agricultural properties, and historical parks – all of which are ‘national interests’ with architectural historical value. Since the project is deemed to be a threat to the cultural heritage, the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) – responsible for the project – and the City of Gothenburg are in talks on how best to deal with the heritage. Their proposals for working with it are informed by their individual ideas about its values and qualities – the STA seeks to minimise heritage damage, while the City additionally proposes to ‘strengthen’ its value through new urban design programmes and increased accessibility to hidden sites.


Maitri Dore
Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Heritage, Planning, Infrastructure, West Link