Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Transport Sector: The Case of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil


The COVID-19 pandemic has led several countries to adopt quarantine decree and social distancing measures. In Brazil, the implementation of these measures has demonstrated possibles paths for a sustainable future. In the case of the largest Metropolitan Region of the country (São Paulo), the reduction of vehicles and public transportation reduced air pollution significantly. It stands out that in 2018 a study by the Institute of Health and Sustainability affirmed that if air pollution persists in this Metropolitan Region at the same levels of the last years, it will cause the death of 51367 by 2025. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to restructure, in a sustainable way, the transport system with more active government measures and social awareness. The work aims to integrate data on three indicators: social isolation (%), COVID-19 (daily cases and deaths), and air quality index of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (formed by 39 cities in the state of São Paulo). The work seeks to gather data on the concentrations of transport pollutants and the data from COVID-19, from March to May 2020 (period of greatest isolation in the region), applying statistical analysis. Simultaneously, the statistical analysis of the air quality index of the period mentioned will be compared with the 2020 data, highlighting the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on air pollutants. Lastly, the study results emphasize cleaner urban mobility’s relevance to sustainable scenarios after the pandemic.


Ana Clara Antunes C. De Andrade
Student, Bachelor, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Drielli Peyerl
Universidade de São Paulo

Letícia Schneid Lopes
Student, Bachelor, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Celso Da Silveira Cachola
Student, Masters, University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Ecological Realities


Transport Sector, COVID-19, Air Pollutants, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Brazil