Contesting "Healthy and Sustainable" Eating in the Sahel


Drawing on long term ethnographic study of food acquisition and transformation in Dakar, Senegal, this paper investigates attempts to promote “healthy and sustainable” future diets in a highly food challenged region. I argue that translations and recuperations of “sustainability” into local languages, idioms, and practices often produce visions of “sustainable eating” that diverge from a global standard. Rather than implying change in sourcing or dietary practice, “sustainability” here implies the ability to prolong and stabilise desired consumption patterns. I draw out these key differences to argue that programmes to promote sustainability within global food systems designed and executed from the global North must take account of the priorities and ethos of consumers facing multiple malnutrition challenges.


Branwyn Poleykett
Research Fellow , Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, Wellcome Centre for Cultures & Environments of Health , United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Nutrition, Sustainability, Diet, Food Systems, Consumption, Africa