Towards a Theory of Critical Energy Literacy


Critical energy literacy is an emerging theory that denotes critical understanding of the social, environmental, political, and economic challenges, benefits, and impacts of various energy sources, developments, and technologies. Similar to related concepts with roots in critical theory such as critical media literacy, critical energy literacy leads us to identify and challenge intersectional inequities in society. For example, adopting a critical energy lens may assist in identifying the past, present, or projected socioenvironmental impacts of or benefits for a marginalized community in relation to a given energy project. Facilitating critical energy literacy may prove challenging for educators at various levels in a range of contexts (K-12, post-secondary, community) tasked with imparting such understanding to their students as they themselves may be more versed in certain areas of energy literacy than others (e.g., scientific/technical vs. social). In response, a small, but increasing number of educational resources and programs for educators, grassroots community organizers, and professionals working in science and/or policy settings have been developed to promote more comprehensive understanding of energy sources, challenges, and possibilities. Enhancing societal critical energy literacy will assist with more equitable energy, transit, construction, and environmental planning by and for communities, businesses, and governments. In this focused discussion, we share and invite discussion regarding emerging insights related to critical energy literacy based on a recent review of literature; K-12, post-secondary and not-for-profit curricula; and an associated interview-based inquiry based in the Canadian province of Alberta.


Gregory Lowan-Trudeau
Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada

Teresa Fowler
Assistant Professor, Education, Physical Education & Wellness, Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Education, Assessment and Policy


Critical, Energy, Literacy