A Research Agenda on Environmental Organisational Culture: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Management Practice


Environmental organisational culture (EOC) facilitates the environmentally sustainable development of organizations. While it is of interest to motivate future research on this underexplored and scattered field, bridging the gap between organisational research and management practice will be a decisive factor to ensure the successful dissemination of academic insights into practice. We present a solutions-oriented research agenda to advance the field and ensure bidirectional knowledge transfer. The literature review and analyses are based on a scoping review of N = 70 previous studies and thematically related research agendas, using the Belief-Action-Outcome (BAO) framework as a theoretical foundation for structured data extraction and presentation. To develop the agenda, illustrative research questions were formulated for each of the main characteristics of EOC identified. These were synthesised into overarching research questions on EOC covering the three BAO phenomena and the two domains of research methodology and knowledge transfer. For the latter, we present three dissemination paths and examples of “ready-to-use” purified artefacts drawing from the concept of engaged scholarship.


Carmen Isensee
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Niedersachsen, Germany

Frank Teuteberg
Professor, Accounting and Information Systems, University of Osnabrueck, Niedersachsen, Germany

Kai Michael Griese


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Environmental organisational culture, Environmental sustainability, Organisational research, Translation gap, Dissemination