Achieving Multiple Sustainable Development Goals through Saline Agriculture


Saline agriculture, the cultivation of salt-tolerant crops under saline conditions, provides solutions for global food and water security. The increasing interest in saline agriculture provides an opportunity to define the link with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a means to facilitate communication, access funding, and connect projects worldwide. We have identified which SDGs can be linked to the process of the revitalisation of saline degraded lands through saline agriculture using two different methods which yielded similar results. The key finding of our study is that the revitalisation of saline degraded lands can assist in achieving multiple SDGs, in particular food security (SDG 2), the economic sustainability of local communities (SDG 8), water quality (SDG 6) and terrestrial biodiversity (SDG 15). Saline agriculture viewed as an integrated approach has the potential to substantially contribute to more than half of the SDGs.


Katarzyna Negacz
Post Doc, EPA, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability: Policy Solutions for the Climate Emergency


Climate Adaptation, Land Degradation, Saline Agriculture, Food Security, Food Sustainability